In fact, overweight or obese pets may even live up to two years LESS than lean or optimal weight pets. It is important to remember that weight does not only affect your pets outward appearance a dog or cat who is carrying around extra pounds is subject to many more health issues than their counterparts who are at an ideal weight. If your pet is not currently at their ideal body size, your Veterinary Health Care Team will work with you to create a plan for weight management that takes into account your pet, as well as your lifestyle. They will be able to determine whether your pet is overweight (or underweight), and help determine your pet’s ideal size by using a scale and body condition score system. If you are not sure if your pet is overweight, you should speak with your Veterinary health care team. A good balance of diet and exercise is the best way to maintain a proper weight but what do you do if your pet does become overweight? Or what if you are not even sure what your pet’s ideal size is? Studies have shown that approximately 22-40% of pets are classified as overweight, but only 22% of those owners acknowledge their pet as being overweight or obese.

Weight plays a big part in overall health, especially for our pets. Woodbine Animal Clinic wants your pets to be healthy. Your Pet’s Weight Determining Your Pets Body Condition Score