Friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves
Friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves

  • Card-Carrying Villain: The Sheriff of Nottingham embodies pretty much any and all indicators of cartoonish supervillainy, up to and including Satan worship.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: While he's actually addressing Marian and Robin, Friar Tuck looks right at the camera and appears to be speaking to the audience with the last line of the movie.
  • Blown Across the Room: By a thrown sword, no less.
  • Black Viking: Azeem (justified in that he's a Crusader buddy of some sort who has a life debt to Robin) based on the character Nasir from Robin of Sherwood.
  • Though, as lying is a sin, he did honestly not strike the Bishop. Most notably is Friar Tuck who is righteously angry at the corrupt Bishop.
  • Berserk Button: Many characters have them.
  • Badass Preacher: Friar Tuck is just as good a fighter as any of the other Merry Men.
  • She's also introduced to the audience as kicking Robin's ass in hand to hand combat.
  • Badass Long Hair: Marian is the King's cousin and a lady of the court with long, beautiful curly hair.
  • Award Bait Song: "(Everything I Do) I Do It For You".
  • The Sycamore Gap scene is probably down to Rule of Cool.
  • Artistic License Geography: Robin and Azeem somehow get off a boat in the south, wander all the way to the north of England and Hadrian’s Wall, then double back to Nottingham in less than a day.
  • Arrows on Fire: It's a Robin Hood movie, after all.
  • friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves

    #Friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves movie#

    Adaptation Expansion: At the same time, the movie strives to give Robin and those Merry Men a much more thorough background, pulling aspects from various other adaptations and adding a few new ones of its own.

    friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves

    It also pares down what are, in some adaptations of the myth, Loads and Loads of Characters from the Merry Men.

    friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves

  • Adaptation Distillation: The movie excises Prince John entirely so as to give Robin a single, more direct nemesis in the Sheriff.
  • Tropes used in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves include:

    Friar tuck robin hood prince of thieves